Our sustainability practices include a focus on our people, our business and our planet
At Advant Medical, we believe that embedding corporate responsibility and stewardship into our business practices and products is the best way for us to help decrease environmental impacts throughout the healthcare industry.
As a ‘Partner of Choice’ in the medical device industry our aim is to be a strong sustainable partner to our customers. We know that by making our efforts to reduce, recycle and reuse part of our culture, we strengthen our ability to support our customers as they work to achieve their own sustainability goals.
4 Key Pillars
Ecovadis Sustainability Assessment
We have been awarded a bronze medal for Corporate Social Responsibility from Ecovadis, the world’s most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings. This result places Advant Medical among the top 50% of companies assessed by Ecovadis. The EcoVadis certification is based on international CSR standards including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact, and the ISO 26000, covering 190 spend categories and 150 countries.
Advant Medical was rated based on a sustainability scorecard which illustrates performance across 21 indicators in four main categories: environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. The Bronze Medal recognizes sustainability performance in the top half of all rated companies globally.
Charity Partner
Advant Medical is proud to support charitable giving and applauds others who do so. Through various different fundraising activities throughout the year Advant Medical raise much needed funds for some very worthy causes.
Advant Medical is delighted to announce Galway Hospice as their Partner Charity. The foundation provides hospice care to people of any age in the advanced stages of a life-limiting illnesses. Care is delivered in a number of settings, including the home. Hospice care services are provided free of charge, regardless of each person’s means. Galway Hospice also provides a range of supports to the families of patients.
Environment & Sustainability Statement
Our Environmental & Sustainability Statement aims to encourage a culture around sustainable development across all the organisation’s activities and to establish and promote environmental practices in our operations. Advant Medical recognises the potential benefits that we can make to our community through demonstrating best practice and reducing our negative environmental impacts.
Sustainability Report
Our Sustainability Report was developed to share our ongoing progress toward a more efficient and sustainable organisation. We understand that our customers and other stakeholders are interested in our efforts to increase operational efficiency, reduce impacts associated with our products, and support their own sustainability goals. In developing this report, we have reviewed and incorporated guidance from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and where possible created Key Performance Indicators to drive our business to do our part in saving the planet.